The “Dr Love is Back!” Show is the first-of-its-kind show created by Singapore’s Dr Wei Siang Yu (Dr Wei) aka Dr Love who created Japan’s first wireless contraception in 2000, the world’s first wireless sex education campaign “Sex in the Air” in 2002 with the Dutch Health Promotion Board and Singapore’s First Babymaking Show “Love Airways” supported by the government’s Health Promotion Board in 2005. The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has prompted Dr Love to come back with a new show to support couples facing infertility problems, women facing family violence issues and people dealing with displacement and depression as a result of the global disruption.
“Today, the connected world can allow everyone to share solutions during a crisis. The sum of everyone’s care can foster a new borderless world of ‘emotions sharing’ which can unite us in this difficult time,” says Dr Love who will be bringing together celebrities, influencers, business communities, media owners, policy makers etc together to make the world a more ‘emotionally connected’ place!
Aside from being Dr Love, Dr Wei is also the founder and chairman of Borderless Healthcare Group of Companies which operates borderless healthcare initiatives around the world, managing more than US$250M worth of intellectual assets and innovations via its eco-system of subsidiaries from connected health, connected care, connected ageing, connected home to connected farm.